Breaking the Stereotype: Exploring the Complex and Controversial Reality of Being ‘White Trash’

Christy B. Anderson
3 min readMay 10, 2022
Photo by Arun Anoop on Unsplash

Growing up, I remember encountering individuals who displayed characteristics such as unkempt hair, a lack of employment, and a reliance on drugs or alcohol. I was curious about what set these individuals apart and sought to distance myself from their circumstances.

As I matured, I came to understand the term “white trash” and the complexities of the class system, poverty, and its links to substance abuse. My upbringing taught me eurocentric values and a shocking unawareness of white privilege. As I observe an increase in such characteristics in my hometown, I felt compelled to share my thoughts.

Growing up in a low-income area, it is all too common to be exposed to negative influences and fall into a cycle of poverty, unhealthy habits, and a negative mindset. However, as I grew older, my fascination with human differences, particularly social differences, led me to pursue a graduate degree in the social sciences.

I continue to study people and seek to understand their motivations and behaviors. I have come to appreciate the positive impact that financial stability and self-care can have on one’s life. I now embrace the idea of YOLO and the idea that taking care of oneself can lead to a more positive energy and interactions with others.

If you are seeking to break free from a negative or “trashy” image, here are some tips I have found helpful:

  1. Improve your personal appearance: Invest time and effort into grooming, purchasing nice clothing and keeping your shoes clean.
  2. Keep your car well-maintained.
  3. Do not litter or store garbage outside your home.
  4. Treat your children with respect and refrain from physical or verbal abuse.
  5. Limit your alcohol consumption.
  6. Avoid smoking or using drugs.
  7. Purchase high-quality products and avoid generic brands.
  8. Seek education, whether through formal institutions or self-study through books and podcasts.
  9. Incorporate physical activities such as exercise, walking, stretching, or meditation into your routine. The root cause of negative, “trashy” behavior often stems from a lack of personal responsibility and a negative mindset. Rather than blaming others or relying on external factors, take ownership of your life and take steps to improve your financial stability and self-image. Embrace positivity and make the most of every moment.
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
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Christy B. Anderson

Inspiring parents with unconventional wisdom. Christy holds a masters degree in Public Anthropology with interests in children and health.